Source code for

import functools
import math

import jinja2
import h5py
import numpy as np

from pysisyphus.elem_data import ATOMIC_NUMBERS
from pysisyphus.Geometry import Geometry
from pysisyphus.helpers_pure import eigval_to_wavenumber

[docs] def save_hessian(h5_fn, geom, cart_hessian=None, energy=None, mult=None, charge=None): if cart_hessian is None: cart_hessian = geom.cart_hessian if energy is None: energy = if mult is None: mult = geom.calculator.mult if charge is None: charge = geom.calculator.charge if len(geom.atoms) > 1: proj_hessian = geom.eckart_projection(geom.mass_weigh_hessian(cart_hessian)) else: proj_hessian = cart_hessian eigvals, _ = np.linalg.eigh(proj_hessian) vibfreqs = eigval_to_wavenumber(eigvals) masses = geom.masses atoms = geom.atoms coords3d = geom.coords3d with h5py.File(h5_fn, "w") as handle: handle.create_dataset("hessian", data=cart_hessian) handle.create_dataset("vibfreqs", data=vibfreqs) handle.create_dataset("masses", data=masses) handle.create_dataset("coords3d", data=coords3d) handle.attrs["atoms"] = [atom.lower() for atom in atoms] handle.attrs["energy"] = energy handle.attrs["mult"] = mult handle.attrs["charge"] = charge
[docs] def save_third_deriv(h5_fn, geom, third_deriv_result, H_mw, H_proj): with h5py.File(h5_fn, "w") as handle: for key, value in third_deriv_result._asdict().items(): handle.create_dataset(key, data=value) handle.create_dataset("coords3d", data=geom.coords3d) handle.create_dataset("masses", data=geom.masses) handle.create_dataset("H_mw", data=H_mw) handle.create_dataset("H_proj", data=H_proj) handle.attrs["atoms"] = [atom.lower() for atom in geom.atoms]
[docs] def geom_from_hessian( h5_fn: str, with_attrs: bool = False, calculator=None, **geom_kwargs ): """Construct geometry from pysisyphus Hessian in HDF5 format. Parameters ---------- h5_fn Filename of HDF5 Hessian. with_attrs Whether to also return an attributes dictionary. Attributes contain charge and multiplicity, as well as atoms and the electronic energy. calculator Calculator that is set on the Geometry object, before energy & hessian are assigned. This argument is not typed, as using 'Calculator' and the associated import leads to a circular import. Returns ------- geom Geometry object with Hessian and electronic energy set. attrs Dictinoary containing the attributes set in the HDF5 file. Only returned when with_attrs is True. """ with h5py.File(h5_fn, "r") as handle: coords3d = handle["coords3d"][:] cart_hessian = handle["hessian"][:] attrs = dict(handle.attrs.items()) atoms = [atom.capitalize() for atom in attrs["atoms"]] energy = attrs["energy"] geom = Geometry(atoms=atoms, coords=coords3d, **geom_kwargs) if calculator is not None: geom.set_calculator(calculator) geom.cart_hessian = cart_hessian = energy if with_attrs: return geom, attrs else: return geom
[docs] def cart_displs_to_vib_normal_modes( cart_displs: np.ndarray, chunk_size: int = 5 ) -> str: """Convert Cartesian normal modes into TURBOMOLE vib_normal_modes format. cart_displs must be a matrix of shape (3N, 3N), with Cartesian displacements in columns. One column per normal mode. The columns must be normalized. """ nchunks = math.ceil(cart_displs.shape[1] / chunk_size) fmt = " >14.10f" lines = [ "$vibrational normal modes", ] for i, line in enumerate(cart_displs, 1): for j in range(1, nchunks + 1): chunk = line[(j - 1) * chunk_size : j * chunk_size] formatted = [f"{num:{fmt}}" for num in chunk] joined = " ".join([f" {i}", str(j)] + formatted) lines.append(joined) lines.append("$end") return "\n".join(lines)
MOLDEN_FREQ_TPL = jinja2.Template( """[Molden Format] [Title] Generated by pysisyphus [Atoms] AU {%- for atom, atom_num, xyz in atoms_nums_xyzs %} {{ atom }} {{ "%4d"|format(loop.index) }} {{ atom_num }}{{ format_xyz(xyz) }} {%- endfor %} [FREQ] {%- for nu in nus %} {{ "%12.8e" % nu }} {%- endfor %} [FR-COORD] {%- for atom, _, xyz in atoms_nums_xyzs %} {{ atom }} {{ format_xyz(xyz) }} {%- endfor %} [FR-NORM-COORD] {%- for vib in vibrations %} vibration {{ loop.index }} {{ format_vib(vib) }} {%- endfor %} """ )
[docs] def format_vib(vib_displs, chunk_size=3): nchunks = math.ceil(vib_displs.size // chunk_size) lines = list() for i in range(nchunks): displs = vib_displs[i * chunk_size : (i + 1) * chunk_size] line = " ".join([f"{d:> 20.12e}" for d in displs]) lines.append(line) return "\n".join(lines)
[docs] def format_xyz(xyz): x, y, z = xyz fmt = " >18.12f" return f"{x:{fmt}} {y:{fmt}} {z:{fmt}}"
[docs] @functools.singledispatch def normal_modes_to_molden( atoms: tuple[str], coords3d: np.ndarray, nus: np.ndarray, cart_displs: np.ndarray, thresh: float = 10.0, ) -> str: atomic_numbers = [ATOMIC_NUMBERS[atom] for atom in atoms] atoms_nums_xyzs = list(zip(atoms, atomic_numbers, coords3d)) mask = np.abs(nus) < thresh nus[mask] = 0.0 vibrations = cart_displs.T rendered = MOLDEN_FREQ_TPL.render( atoms_nums_xyzs=atoms_nums_xyzs, nus=nus, format_xyz=format_xyz, format_vib=format_vib, vibrations=vibrations, ) return rendered
@normal_modes_to_molden.register def _(geom: Geometry, **kwargs) -> str: atoms = geom.atoms coords3d = geom.coords3d nus, *_, cart_displs = geom.get_normal_modes(full=True) return normal_modes_to_molden(atoms, coords3d, nus, cart_displs, **kwargs) @normal_modes_to_molden.register def _(h5_fn: str, **kwargs) -> str: geom = geom_from_hessian(h5_fn) return normal_modes_to_molden(geom, **kwargs)