# [1] https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jctc.8b00068
# Dual-Level Approach to Instanton Theory
# Meisner, Kästner 2018
# [2] https://doi.org/10.1021/ct100658y
# Locating Instantons in Many Degrees of Freedom
# Rommel, Goumans, Kästner, 2011
# [3] https://aip.scitation.org/doi/full/10.1063/1.4932362
# Ring-polymer instanton theory of electron transofer in the
# nonadiabatic limit
# Richardson, 2015
import logging
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from pysisyphus.Geometry import Geometry
from pysisyphus.helpers import align_coords, get_coords_diffs
from pysisyphus.helpers_pure import eigval_to_wavenumber
def T_crossover_from_eigval(eigval):
nu = eigval_to_wavenumber(eigval) # in cm⁻¹
nu_m = 100 * abs(nu) # in m⁻¹
freq = nu_m * sp.constants.speed_of_light
# In papers the crossover temperature is usually defined with the angular
# frequency nu*2*pi. When using the "normal" frequency we don't have to
# divide by 2*pi. Both approaches obviously yield the same T_c.
# ang_freq = freq * 2 * np.pi
# T_c_ = sp.constants.hbar * ang_freq / (sp.constants.Boltzmann * 2 * np.pi)
T_c = sp.constants.hbar * freq / (sp.constants.Boltzmann)
return T_c
def T_crossover_from_ts(ts_geom):
mw_hessian = ts_geom.mw_hessian
proj_hessian = ts_geom.eckart_projection(mw_hessian, full=True)
eigvals, eigvecs = np.linalg.eigh(proj_hessian)
T_c = T_crossover_from_eigval(eigvals[0])
return T_c
logger = logging.getLogger("pysis.instanton")
file_handler = logging.FileHandler("instanton.log", mode="w", delay=True)
def log_progress(val, key, i):
logger.debug(f"Calculated {key} at image {i}")
return val
class Instanton:
def __init__(self, images, calc_getter, T):
self.images = images
self.calc_getter = calc_getter
for image in self.images:
self.T = T
# Pre-calculate action prefactors for the given temperature
beta = 1 / (sp.constants.Boltzmann * self.T) # Joule
beta_hbar = beta * sp.constants.hbar # seconds
beta_hbar_fs = beta_hbar * 1e15 # fs
self.beta_hbar = beta_hbar_fs
self.P_over_beta_hbar = self.P / self.beta_hbar
self.P_bh = self.P_over_beta_hbar
"""The Instanton is periodic: the first image is connected to the
last image.
At k=0 the index k-1 will be -1, which points to the last image.
Below we pre-calculate some indices (assuming N images).
unshifted indices ks: k = {0, 1, .. , N-1}
shifted indices ksm1: k-1 = {-1, 0, 1, .. , N-2}
shifted indices ksp1: k+1 = {1, 2, .. , N-1, 0}
self.ks = np.arange(self.P)
self.ksm1 = self.ks - 1
self.ksp1 = self.ks + 1
self.ksp1[-1] = 0 # k+1 for the last image points to the first image
self.coord_type = "mwcartesian"
self.internal = None
def P(self):
return len(self.images)
def from_ts(cls, ts_geom, P, dr=0.4, delta_T=25, cart_hessian=None, **kwargs):
assert ts_geom.coord_type == "mwcartesian"
atoms = ts_geom.atoms
ts_coords = ts_geom.coords
if cart_hessian is None:
mw_hessian = ts_geom.mw_hessian
mw_hessian = ts_geom.mass_weigh_hessian(cart_hessian)
proj_hessian = ts_geom.eckart_projection(mw_hessian, full=True)
eigvals, eigvecs = np.linalg.eigh(proj_hessian)
# Use crossover temperature with a little offset (delta_T) if no T is given.
except KeyError:
T_c = T_crossover_from_eigval(eigvals[0])
kwargs["T"] = T_c - delta_T
imag_mode = eigvecs[:, 0]
cosines = np.cos((np.arange(P) + 1 - 0.5) / P * np.pi)
image_mw_coords = ts_coords + dr * cosines[:, None] * imag_mode
image_coords = image_mw_coords / np.sqrt(ts_geom.masses_rep)
if not ts_geom.is_analytical_2d:
images = [
Geometry(atoms, coords, coord_type="mwcartesian") for coords in image_coords
instanton = Instanton(images, **kwargs)
return instanton
def from_instanton(cls, other, **kwargs):
images = other.images
instanton = Instanton(images, **kwargs)
return instanton
def as_xyz(self):
return "\n".join([geom.as_xyz() for geom in self.images])
def coords(self):
return np.ravel([image.coords for image in self.images])
def coords(self, coords):
coords = coords.reshape(len(self.images), -1)
for img_coords, image in zip(coords, self.images):
image.coords = img_coords
def action(self):
"""Action in au / fs, Hartree per femtosecond."""
all_coords = np.array([image.coords for image in self.images])
diffs = all_coords[self.ks] - all_coords[self.ksm1]
dists = np.linalg.norm(diffs, axis=1)
S_0 = self.P_bh * (dists**2).sum()
energies = [image.energy for image in self.images]
S_pot = 1 / self.P_bh * sum(energies)
S_E = S_0 / 2 + S_pot
results = {
"action": S_E,
return results
def action_gradient(self):
kin_grad corresponds to the gradient of S_0 in (Eq. 1 in [1], or
first term in Eq. 6 in [2].) It boils down to the derivative of a sum
of vector norms
d sum_k (||y_k - y_(k-1)||_2)²
d y_k
The derivative of a norm of a vector difference is quite simple, but
care has to be taken to recognize, that y_k appears two times in the sum.
It appears in the first summand for k and in the second summand for k+1.
sum_k (||y_k - y_(k-1)||_2)²
1. term 2. term
= (||y_k - y_(k-1)||_2)² + (||y_(k+1) - y_k||_2)² + ... and so on
The derivative of the first term is
2 * (y_k - y_(k-1))
and the derivative of the second term is
-2 * (y_(k+1) - y_k))
which is equal to
2 * (y_k - y_(k+1)) .
To summarize:
d sum_k(||y_k - y_(k-1)||_2)²
d y_k
= 2 * (2 * y_k - y_(k-1) - y_(k+1)) .
image_coords = np.array([image.coords for image in self.images])
kin_grad = (
* (
2 * image_coords # y_k
- image_coords[self.ksm1] # y_(k-1)
- image_coords[self.ksp1] # y_(k+1)
kin_grad *= self.P_bh
pot_grad = np.array(
log_progress(image.gradient, "gradient", i)
for i, image in enumerate(self.images)
pot_grad /= self.P_bh
gradient = kin_grad / 2 + pot_grad
# gradient = pot_grad
# gradient = kin_grad
# gradient = kin_grad / 2
results = {
"gradient": gradient,
return results
def action_hessian(self):
image_hessians = [
log_progress(image.hessian, "hessian", i)
for i, image in enumerate(self.images)
pot_hess = sp.linalg.block_diag(*image_hessians)
pot_hess /= self.P_bh
coord_num = pot_hess.shape[0]
zeroes = np.zeros((coord_num, coord_num))
image_coord_num = self.images[0].coords.size
inds = np.arange(coord_num).reshape(-1, image_coord_num)
ks = inds[self.ks].flatten()
ksm1 = inds[self.ksm1].flatten()
ksp1 = inds[self.ksp1].flatten()
km = zeroes.copy()
km[ks, ksm1] = 1.0
kp = zeroes.copy()
kp[ks, ksp1] = 1.0
kin_hess = 4 * np.eye(coord_num) - 2 * km - 2 * kp # y_k # y_k-1 # y_k+1
kin_hess *= self.P_bh
hessian = kin_hess / 2 + pot_hess
# hessian = pot_hess
# hessian = kin_hess / 2
results = {
"hessian": hessian,
return results
def energy(self):
return self.action()["action"]
def gradient(self):
return self.action_gradient()["gradient"]
def forces(self):
return -self.gradient
def hessian(self):
return self.action_hessian()["hessian"]
def cart_hessian(self):
return sp.linalg.block_diag(*[image.cart_hessian for image in self.images])
def cart_coords(self):
return np.ravel([image.cart_coords for image in self.images])
def cart_forces(self):
return np.ravel([image.cart_forces for image in self.images])
def cart_hessian(self):
return sp.linalg.block_diag(*[image.cart_forces for image in self.images])
def is_analytical_2d(self):
return self.images[0].is_analytical_2d
def path_length(self):
image_coords3d = [image.coords3d for image in self.images]
coord_diffs = get_coords_diffs(image_coords3d, align=False, normalize=False)
length = coord_diffs.sum()
return length
def get_additional_print(self, energies):
length = self.path_length
return f"\t\tInstanton length={length:.2f} √a̅m̅u̅·au"