pysisyphus.irc package Submodules pysisyphus.irc.DWI module pysisyphus.irc.DampedVelocityVerlet module pysisyphus.irc.Euler module pysisyphus.irc.EulerPC module pysisyphus.irc.GonzalezSchlegel module pysisyphus.irc.IMKMod module pysisyphus.irc.IRC module pysisyphus.irc.IRCDummy module pysisyphus.irc.Instanton module
- class pysisyphus.irc.Instanton.Instanton(images, calc_getter, T)[source]
- property P
- P_bh
the first image is connected to the last image. At k=0 the index k-1 will be -1, which points to the last image.
- Below we pre-calculate some indices (assuming N images).
unshifted indices ks: k = {0, 1, .. , N-1} shifted indices ksm1: k-1 = {-1, 0, 1, .. , N-2} shifted indices ksp1: k+1 = {1, 2, .. , N-1, 0}
- Type:
The Instanton is periodic
- action_gradient()[source]
kin_grad corresponds to the gradient of S_0 in (Eq. 1 in [1], or first term in Eq. 6 in [2].) It boils down to the derivative of a sum of vector norms
d sum_k (||y_k - y_(k-1)||_2)² --- d y_k
The derivative of a norm of a vector difference is quite simple, but care has to be taken to recognize, that y_k appears two times in the sum. It appears in the first summand for k and in the second summand for k+1.
- sum_k (||y_k - y_(k-1)||_2)²
term 2. term
= (||y_k - y_(k-1)||_2)² + (||y_(k+1) - y_k||_2)² + ... and so on
The derivative of the first term is
2 * (y_k - y_(k-1))
and the derivative of the second term is
-2 * (y_(k+1) - y_k))
which is equal to
2 * (y_k - y_(k+1)) .
To summarize:
d sum_k(||y_k - y_(k-1)||_2)² --- d y_k
= 2 * (2 * y_k - y_(k-1) - y_(k+1)) .
- property cart_coords
- property cart_forces
- property cart_hessian
- property coords
- property energy
- property forces
- property gradient
- property hessian
- property path_length pysisyphus.irc.LQA module pysisyphus.irc.ModeKill module pysisyphus.irc.ParamPlot module pysisyphus.irc.RK4 module pysisyphus.irc.initial_displ module
- class pysisyphus.irc.initial_displ.ThirdDerivResult(coords_plus, energy_plus, H_plus, coords_minus, energy_minus, H_minus, G_vec, vec, ds)
- G_vec
Alias for field number 6
- H_minus
Alias for field number 5
- H_plus
Alias for field number 2
- coords_minus
Alias for field number 3
- coords_plus
Alias for field number 0
- ds
Alias for field number 8
- energy_minus
Alias for field number 4
- energy_plus
Alias for field number 1
- vec
Alias for field number 7
- pysisyphus.irc.initial_displ.cubic_displ(H, v0, w0, Gv, dE, show=False)[source]
- According to Eq. (26) in [2] v1 does not depend on the sign of v0.
v1 = (F0 - 2v0^T F0 v0 I)⁻¹ x ([G0v0] - v0^T [G0v0] v0 I) v0
The first term is obviously independent of v0's sign. Using v0' = -v0 the second term becomes
([G0v0'] - v0'^T [G0v0'] v0' I) v0' (-[G0v0] - v0^T [G0v0'] v0 I) v0' (-[G0v0] + v0^T [G0v0] v0 I) v0' -(-[G0v0] + v0^T [G0v0] v0 I) v0 ([G0v0] - v0^T [G0v0] v0 I) v0
Strictly speaking the contraction [G0v0] should depend on the sign of v0. In the current implementation, the direction of v0 is not taken into account, but
get_curv_vec(H, Gv, v0, w0) == get_curv_vec(H, -Gv, -v0, w0) .
But somehow the Taylor expansion gives bogus results when called with -Gv and -v0...
- pysisyphus.irc.initial_displ.taylor_closure(H, Gv, v0, v1, w0)[source]
Taylor expansion of the energy to 3rd order w/o gradient.
It makes no sense to use this function when there is a significant remaining gradient, as it is not taken into account here.
dx(ds) = ds*v0 + ds**2*v1 / 2 dE(ds) = dx^T H dx / 2 + dx^T [Gv] dx / 6
H = Hessian Gv = 3rd derivative of energy along v0 v0 = Transition vector v1 = Curvature vector w0 = Eigenvalue belonging to v0
Revisting the function below three years later I have to admit that I have no idea what is going on here and why I did it this way. Maybe I derived the expression using sympy and/or on paper?! Nonetheless, the Taylor expansion to 3rd order also seems wrong...
Below, a simple and correct implementation of the Taylor expansion can be found, but it does not support multiple values for ds.
# Precontract some values that will be reused v0v1 = v0.dot(v1) v1Hv1 = v1.dot(H).dot(v1) v0Gvv0 = v0.dot(Gv).dot(v0) v0Gvv1 = v0.dot(Gv).dot(v1) v1Gvv1 = v1.dot(Gv).dot(v1)
- def dE(ds):
ds2 = ds**2 ds3 = ds2 * ds ds4 = ds2 * ds2
# Δx^T H Δx / 2 quad = (w0 * ds2 + ds3 * w0**2 * v0v1 + (ds4 * v1Hv1) / 4) / 2 # Δx^T [Gv] Δx / 6 cubic = (ds2 * v0Gvv0 + ds3 * v0Gvv1 + ds4 * v1Gvv1 / 4) / 6 return quad + cubic