Source code for pysisyphus.irc.initial_displ

# [1]
#     Koeski, Gordon, 1989
# [2]
#     Page, Doubleday, McIver, 1990

from collections import namedtuple

import h5py
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import bisect

from pysisyphus.constants import AU2KJPERMOL

[docs] def get_curv_vec(H, Gv, v0, w0): v0 = v0[:, None] I = np.eye(v0.size) first = np.linalg.pinv(2 * w0 * I - H, rcond=1e-8) second = - * v0 v1 = return v1.flatten()
[docs] def taylor_closure( H: np.ndarray, Gv: np.ndarray, v0: np.ndarray, v1: np.ndarray, w0: float ): """Taylor expansion of the energy to 3rd order w/o gradient. It makes no sense to use this function when there is a significant remaining gradient, as it is not taken into account here. dx(ds) = ds*v0 + ds**2*v1 / 2 dE(ds) = dx^T H dx / 2 + dx^T [Gv] dx / 6 H = Hessian Gv = 3rd derivative of energy along v0 v0 = Transition vector v1 = Curvature vector w0 = Eigenvalue belonging to v0 Revisting the function below three years later I have to admit that I have no idea what is going on here and why I did it this way. Maybe I derived the expression using sympy and/or on paper?! Nonetheless, the Taylor expansion to 3rd order also seems wrong... Below, a simple and correct implementation of the Taylor expansion can be found, but it does not support multiple values for ds. # Precontract some values that will be reused v0v1 = v1Hv1 = v0Gvv0 = v0Gvv1 = v1Gvv1 = def dE(ds): ds2 = ds**2 ds3 = ds2 * ds ds4 = ds2 * ds2 # Δx^T H Δx / 2 quad = (w0 * ds2 + ds3 * w0**2 * v0v1 + (ds4 * v1Hv1) / 4) / 2 # Δx^T [Gv] Δx / 6 cubic = (ds2 * v0Gvv0 + ds3 * v0Gvv1 + ds4 * v1Gvv1 / 4) / 6 return quad + cubic """ def dE(ds: float) -> float: # Eq. (3) in [2] dx = (v0 * ds + 0.5 * v1 * ds * ds)[:, None] # Third and fourth terms in eq. (4) in [2] # # Quadratic contribution, Δx^T H Δx / 2 quad = 0.5 * dx.T @ H @ dx # Cubic contribution, Δx^T [Gv] Δx / 6 cubic = 1.0 / 6.0 * dx.T @ Gv @ dx * ds return float(quad + cubic) return dE
ThirdDerivResult = namedtuple( "ThirdDerivResult", "coords_plus energy_plus H_plus coords_minus energy_minus H_minus G_vec vec ds", )
[docs] def third_deriv_fd(geom, vec, ds=0.001): """Third derivative of the energy in direction 'vec'.""" def get_H(geom, coords): results = geom.get_energy_and_cart_hessian_at(coords) energy = results["energy"] H = results["hessian"] H_mw = geom.mass_weigh_hessian(H) # Only project for multi-atomic geometries. if geom.coords.size > 3: H_mw = geom.eckart_projection(H_mw) return H_mw, H, energy delta = ds * vec plus = geom.coords + delta minus = geom.coords - delta H_mw_plus, H_plus, energy_plus = get_H(geom, plus) H_mw_minus, H_minus, energy_minus = get_H(geom, minus) G_vec = (H_mw_plus - H_mw_minus) / (2 * ds) third_deriv_res = ThirdDerivResult( coords_plus=plus, energy_plus=energy_plus, H_plus=H_plus, coords_minus=minus, energy_minus=energy_minus, H_minus=H_minus, G_vec=G_vec, vec=vec, ds=ds, ) return G_vec, third_deriv_res
[docs] def cubic_displ(H, v0, w0, Gv, dE, show=False): """ According to Eq. (26) in [2] v1 does not depend on the sign of v0. v1 = (F0 - 2v0^T F0 v0 I)⁻¹ x ([G0v0] - v0^T [G0v0] v0 I) v0 The first term is obviously independent of v0's sign. Using v0' = -v0 the second term becomes ([G0v0'] - v0'^T [G0v0'] v0' I) v0' (-[G0v0] - v0^T [G0v0'] v0 I) v0' (-[G0v0] + v0^T [G0v0] v0 I) v0' -(-[G0v0] + v0^T [G0v0] v0 I) v0 ([G0v0] - v0^T [G0v0] v0 I) v0 Strictly speaking the contraction [G0v0] should depend on the sign of v0. In the current implementation, the direction of v0 is not taken into account, but get_curv_vec(H, Gv, v0, w0) == get_curv_vec(H, -Gv, -v0, w0) . But somehow the Taylor expansion gives bogus results when called with -Gv and -v0... """ assert dE < 0.0, f"Supplied dE={dE:.6f} is positive but it must be negative!" assert w0 < 0.0, f"Expected first eigenvalue to be negative but it is w0={w0:.6e}!" v1 = get_curv_vec(H, Gv, v0, w0) E_taylor = taylor_closure(H, Gv, v0, v1, w0) # def E_taylor_exact(ds): # """Exact for 1d cubic function at the TS with vanishing gradient.""" # return 0.5 * ds**2 * H[0, 0] + 1.0 / 6.0 * ds**3 * Gv[0, 0] # E_taylor = E_taylor_exact def func(ds): return E_taylor(ds) - dE def prepare_bisect(x0, theta=1.25, max_cycles=20): """Determine (lower) upper bound for scipy.optimize.bisect.""" assert theta > 1.0 ds = x0 dE_min = func(0.0) dE_prev = dE_min ds_min = ds # Grow until we find an upper (lower) bound of the interval for _ in range(max_cycles): dE = func(ds) # print( # f"ds={ds:.4f} dE={dE*AU2KJPERMOL:.3f} dE_min={dE_min*AU2KJPERMOL:.3f}" # ) if dE <= 0.0: break # Keep best guess elif dE <= dE_min: dE_min = dE ds_min = ds # Return (yet) best guess when function value grows again elif dE >= dE_prev: ds = ds_min break dE_prev = dE ds *= theta # Grow ds return ds def bisect_(ds0): try: ds_, rr = bisect(func, a=0.0, b=ds0, full_output=True) # Will be raised when f(a) and f(b) have the same sign. except ValueError: ds_ = ds0 return ds_ plus_bound = prepare_bisect(0.1) ds_plus = bisect_(plus_bound) minus_bound = prepare_bisect(-0.1) ds_minus = bisect_(minus_bound) if show: dss = np.linspace(-2, 2, num=51) E0 = E_taylor(0.0) Es = np.array([E_taylor(ds) - E0 for ds in dss]) Es *= AU2KJPERMOL E_minus = E_taylor(ds_minus) E_plus = E_taylor(ds_plus) Emp = (np.array((E_minus, E_plus)) - E0) * AU2KJPERMOL _, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(dss, Es, "o-") ax.axvline(0.0, c="k", ls="--") ax.axhline(dE * AU2KJPERMOL, c="k", ls=":") ax.axhline(ds_minus, c="k", ls=":") ax.axhline(ds_plus, c="k", ls=":") ax.scatter((ds_minus, ds_plus), Emp, s=75, marker="x", c="r", zorder=3) ax.set_xlabel("ds") ax.set_ylabel("dE / kJ mol⁻¹") def step(ds): return ds * v0 + ds**2 * v1 / 2 # Returned steps are in projected mass-weighted coordinates step_plus = step(ds_plus) step_minus = step(ds_minus) return step_plus, step_minus
[docs] def cubic_displ_for_h5(h5_fn="third_deriv.h5", dE=-5e-4): with h5py.File(h5_fn, "r") as handle: coords3d = handle["coords3d"][:] if coords3d.size > 3: H = handle["H_proj"][:] else: H = handle["H_mw"][:] Gv = handle["G_vec"][:] w, v = np.linalg.eigh(H) w0 = w[0] v0 = v[:, 0] return cubic_displ(H, v0, w0, Gv, dE)
[docs] def cubic_displ_for_geom(geom, dE=-5e-4): H = geom.mw_hessian # Only project for multi-atomic geometries. if geom.coords.size > 3: H = geom.eckart_projection(H) w, v = np.linalg.eigh(H) # Transition vector (imaginary mode) and corresponding eigenvalue v0 = v[:, 0] w0 = w[0] Gv, third_deriv_res = third_deriv_fd(geom, v0) step_plus, step_minus = cubic_displ(H, v0, w0, Gv, dE=dE) return step_plus, step_minus, third_deriv_res
[docs] def taylor_closure_for_geom(geom): H = geom.mw_hessian # Only project for multi-atomic geometries. if geom.coords.size > 3: H = geom.eckart_projection(H) w, v = np.linalg.eigh(H) # Transition vector (imaginary mode) and corresponding eigenvalue v0 = v[:, 0] w0 = w[0] Gv, third_deriv_res = third_deriv_fd(geom, v0) v1 = get_curv_vec(H, Gv, v0, w0) E_taylor = taylor_closure(H, Gv, v0, v1, w0) return E_taylor